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COVID19 Workplace Advice

COVID19 Workplace Advice
Alex Geeves
2nd June 2020

With the UK taking a phased approach to ending lockdown, it is important to follow the latest workplace guidance.

Is your business looking for help and support:

  • To bring your staff back from Furlough?
  • To make changes to your workspace to protect staff health & safety?
  • To make changes to staff contracts to cut overhead costs?
  • To make redundancies or lay-offs, without risking an employment tribunal?

Hayes HR Consulting is a local HR Consultancy business based in Marden, Kent.

Straight talking, no legal jargon, just practical guidance to help your business come through the COVID-19 crisis stronger than ever.

Telephone number: 07956 600711
Email: jo.@hayeshr.com
or visit hayeshr.com
